The toddlers had a wonderful week learning and getting ready for Valentine’s Day! Both classes incorporated Valentine-themed items into their jobs. They decorated bags for the Valentine exchange and finished painting their wooden heart ornaments. A big thanks to the parent volunteers that help the children make these fun crafts! After the Valentine exchange on Friday, the classes came together to enjoy a special parfait snack!
In Classroom One, Ms. Britt decorated the bulletin board to reflect the insect theme, and the children enjoyed naming the insects and pointing out their name and picture. They heard a story about an egg boy and was introduced to the emotion egg job. Other favorite jobs included the Geo board, spooning hearts, and insect tong transfer. The toddlers also learned about what it means to be kind.
Earlier this week, Classroom Two had a great time dancing on the outdoor classroom stage and learning how to spread sunflower butter on graham crackers. Spooning wooden balls into cups and transferring hearts with tongs were two of the toddlers’ favorite jobs. They also decorated bags and colored hearts for their peers who were absent on Valentine’s Day.

“Of all things,
love is the most potent.”
– Dr. Maria Montessori